Labour Market Data - RTO 9

Labour Market Data

TSNO Workforce Issues

TSNO Workforce Issues Opportunities and Impact Report

This report provides an up-to-date view of the tourism and hospitality industry’s economic and labour market outlook, key business issues, and opportunities for collaboration with the government. Our 300+ TSNO members partially informed the report's learnings with insights from our 18 regions across the province and our Provincial Advisory Council.

Labour Market Report

Labour Market Report

The 2022-23 Local Labour Market Planning Report is out for the catchment area of Leeds and Grenville. The report is a compilation of information with community input from local stakeholders in the fall of 2022. It outlines labour market trends and potential challenges in workforce development in the region.

Highlights of the Report:
• Rise in apprentices - 268 new apprentice registrations and 522 active apprentices in 2021-22
• 88% of employers interviewed said they are hiring or intend to hire in the near future
• Population grew by 3.5% with a majority being people retiring to the area.
• There have been employment increases in construction, professional, scientific, and technical services, health care, and social services.
• Since 2017, there has been a net increase of 124 businesses.


Business Intelligence Survey Report

Tourism HR Canada released Business Intelligence Survey Report (January 25, 2023). In total, 700 businesses were interviewed by telephone survey. Here are some key highlights:
• Of those interviewed, 30% of businesses represented the accommodations industry, 29% recreation and entertainment, 15% travel services, 12% food and beverage services, and 12% transportation. Over three quarters (79%) were open with no limitations or restrictions. Those operating in Quebec reported the largest proportion of operating with restrictions.
• A quarter (24%) of respondents had no paid employees, while the majority (47%) had between 1 and 19 employees. Three-quarters (74%) of businesses operate on an annual basis. Those who operate on a seasonal basis operate predominantly in the summer (91%), followed by fall (58%), and spring (55%).
• Close to half (46%) of businesses interviewed actively had job vacancies; this finding was consistent across all industry groups.
• Nearly two-thirds (64%) of all businesses were experiencing difficulties with the recruitment of workers, and 35% with retention.
• More than half (59%) of businesses indicated that their current operating conditions had improved when compared to the summer of 2021, with those in the travel services industry stating the greatest level of improvement (77%). For businesses whose operating conditions have weakened, 39% of these businesses were considering reducing operating hours and reducing product offerings (24%).


Understanding the Barriers to Tourism and Hospitality Workforce Recovery and Building Toward Resilience

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Tourism and Hospitality continues to be among the hardest-hit sectors with regard to employment challenges.
In response, the Tourism and Hospitality Emergency Recovery (THER) project sought feedback from industry leaders from multiple destinations across Canada on the challenges they faced in their recovery efforts. The project developed a playbook of tools, resources, and models to help address those challenges. This report highlights the findings and lessons learned alongside industry stakeholders and policymakers. It is a reference point for ideas, insights, tools, and solutions that can support tourism recovery and help shock-proof the industry against future disruption.


The Challenge Factory - Hidden Talent Podcasts

The Challenge Factory and the Centre for Career Innovation offers invaluable leadership and insights about the Future of Work—with a focus on how talent equity, demographics, the freelance economy, and new market dynamics present opportunities to gain strategic workforce and career advantage. It is focussed on helping employers find creative solutions to our current most pressing career and workforce challenges, and the best pathways through crisis, disruption, and uncertainty.


The Post-COVID Future of the Tourism Workforce

Tourism HR Canada’s latest report, The Post-COVID Future of the Tourism Workforce, takes an in-depth look at the systemic issues facing the tourism sector’s labour force and at the effect of COVID-19, and recommends how to make the tourism sector more sustainable and resilient as we recover from this crisis.

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The Future Skills Centre Podcast

Canada is facing wide-reaching demographic and technological changes that pose increasingly significant challenges to the world of work.

The Future Skills Centre Podcast, presented by The Conference Board of Canada, will explore these crucial emerging challenges to the future of work. In each episode, we will unpack a unique issue facing Canadians and hear from varying perspectives—such as community members, decision-makers, and thought leaders—to discuss solutions and paths forward.


Future of work trends 2022: A new era of humanity

"The last 24 months have changed everything. For businesses. For leaders. For employees. Now, as the dust settles, one fact becomes clear: Power has shifted. From organizations to people. From profit to mutual prosperity. From “me” to “we”. Employees are now starting to ask very human questions about the work they perform. Why am I doing this? What is it for? How can we do it better? Many are choosing to leave their jobs. The competition to attract new talent is growing fiercer than ever."

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How to Adapt to the Labour Market Shortage

This study is based on two BDC surveys: a survey of 1,251 Canadian entrepreneurs on labour market conditions conducted in May 2021 and a survey of 3,000 Canadians on their jobs and related challenges conducted in June 2021.

This study shows that proven solutions can help Canadian SMEs reduce the impact of labour scarcity.

These strategies include the following:
> adopting new technologies and automation
> using formal hiring processes
> offering a total compensation package

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The future of work in the tourism sector

This report has been prepared by the International Labour Office. The report highlights recent trends and developments in the tourism sector; the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the enterprises and workers of that sector; and the need for a recovery that is inclusive, safe, resilient, fair, and sustainable.

Report for the Technical Meeting on COVID-19 and Sustainable Recovery in the Tourism Sector
(Geneva, 25–29 April 2022)

Global Insites

A Global Survey on Perspectives of Service Delivery and Traveller Priorities

Section 1: Global Trends and Impact of COVID-19
Section 2: Traveller Influences
Section 3: Recent Travel Behaviour
Section 4: Traveller Perspectives on Travel Service Issues post COVID
Section 5: Perceptions and Impact of Service Delivery in Canada vs. Other Destinations
Section 6: Impact of Familiarity with Service Issues
Section 7: Country Attitudinal Profiles

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Tourism SkillsNet Ontario

Real-time industry data at your fingertips. Tourism Skills Net Ontario (TSNO) provides members with the Labour Market Information (LMI) tool and the Job Transition Dashboard to prepare, adapt and plan for the ongoing effects of COVID-19.


Emergency Recovery

Labour market data to help both small and large businesses across Canada to plan and advocate for the programs and support they’ll need to recover.


Tourism Employment Tracker

The Labour Force Survey (LFS), conducted by Statistics Canada, is the source of monthly employment estimates for Canadian industries. The monthly LFS sample size is approximately 56,000 households, covering 100,000 individuals.


Workforce Development Boards of Eastern Ontario

Workforce Development Board (WDB) is a not-for-profit organization funded by the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development to provide labour market information, coordinate employment and training services, and engage employer communities.


Project Integrate

The Project Integrate initiative will study the potential impact and feasibility of a single technology-enabled employment and training pathway, conducting systems research with employment service provider networks across Canada.


Examining the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Workforce in Eastern Ontario

The purpose of the Worker Impact Survey conducted in Eastern Ontario, was to fully understand the barriers to employment, service priorities and programming needs for workers, job-seekers, under-utilized workers and those not currently in the local labour force.