Tourism Economy & Outlook - RTO 9

Tourism Economy & Outlook

This is our collection of trusted tourism facts, indicators, and forecasts. This research highlights the importance of tourism, helping you to understand where your business stands against past performance and where travel and tourism are headed in the future. Forecasts can help foster more effective capacity planning and guide investments for tourism promotion and development.

2023 Top Trends Shaping the Future of Travel

2023 Top Trends Shaping the Future of Travel and Destinations

Twenty31 Consulting recently released the 2023 Top Trends Facing the Tourism Industry report identifying the top 12 trends in travel and tourism for 2023, based on analysis from various sources and scenarios. These trends are classified based on their immediate and long-term effects on destinations and provide direction for destination managers on where to direct their attention and resources, how to address the challenges these trends may present, and how to take advantage of the opportunities they offer.

US Sentiment for Travel to Canada Image

US Sentiment for Travel to Canada

Destination Canada’s latest US Sentiment Report reveals how US residents feel about travelling to Canada (November 15-22, 2022). Here are the highlights:
• After seeing a spike in enthusiasm to visit Canada last month following eased border restrictions, likelihood to travel to Canada in the next 9 months has decreased (39%, down from 53%), but remains higher than levels seen in the months prior.
• Canada remains among the top desired foreign destinations that Americans most want to visit in the next 12 months, second only to Italy, and slightly ahead of the UK and Mexico.
• There is a continuing upward trend in perception that Canada is safe to travel to – this safety sentiment is shared by two-thirds (67%) of Americans.
• At the same time, 60% of respondents indicated that they consider Canada to be easy and safe to travel to, while 77% are excited to embark in a leisure travel trip within the next 12 months, both being positive trends compared to the previous months.
• 42% of US travellers feel that transport costs are a consideration that would prevent them from visiting Canada, a stable trend since July as inflation arises as a global travel issue.
• For those who were likely to travel to Canada, 30% are likely to visit Ontario, with the province being ahead of BC (24%) and Québec (20%).

Region Map

Quick Tourism Facts

This page gets updated annually. Learn about the economic impact of global tourism & results from an Ontario perspective


National Tourism Indicators

Prepared quarterly, this summary report outlines tourism's contribution to Canada's economy by highlighting tourism sub-sectors, spending, jobs and GDP.


Ontario Tourism

Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries forecasted inbound tourism growth and spending 2019.

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Canadian Economy

TD Canada Trust presents an annual long-term economic outlook for Canada and the US for 2019.