Meet The Team At RTO 9 - RTO 9

Meet The Team At RTO 9

Bonnie, Executive Director

1.Fun fact: I was a sparks leader when my girls were young.
2.Career highlight:
Bringing together cruise operators across the region, which resulted in the first award-winning campaign.
3.What do you love most about working at RTO 9:
Tourism is fun!
4.Always hungry for:
Stir-fried veggies.
5.Bucket list destination:
Northern Ontario, British Columbia, and Greece.

I help operators and partners by ensuring that RTO 9 is providing programming and services that address your needs. RTO 9 is your regional tourism voice and we collaborate with local, provincial and national organizations for the betterment of tourism in South Eastern Ontario. Tourism drives our economy, and helping your business grow is vital to our success.

Top 3 ways to work with me….

1. Tell me about your business, what have been your successes, who are your partners?
2. As a regional tourism organization, how can we assist you? 
3. Get to know us so we can get to know you.

Steve, Marketing & Communications Manager

1.Fun fact: My high school band was instrumental in bringing the SADD Campaign to Canada.
2.Career highlight:
Inscription of the Rideau Canal on the World Heritage List.
3.What do you love most about working at RTO 9:
My team!
4.Always hungry for:
Sweet & salty treats
5.Bucket list destination: Tobermory, Haida Guaii, and Egypt

I help operators and partners through collaboration and introduction, through sharing stories with potential media outlets and by being a sounding board for potential marketing initiatives.

Top 3 ways to work with me….

1. Reach out through email or a phone call to make me aware of the services your tourism business provides potential consumers to our region.
2. Provide us with current assets of your most recent business initiatives. This allows us to promote your business with the most relevant and up-to-date information.
3. Let me know if you would like to participate in any RTO 9 or Destination Marketing Organization-led Familiarization Tours being offered throughout your region. This is a great way to promote your business. 

Lori, Director of Experiential Tourism Development

1.Fun fact: I’ve visited 27 countries….and counting!
2.Career highlight:
Getting to watch The Rolling Stones & Gwen Stefani up close and personal while opening a new business at Air Canada Centre. Unexpected perks of the job!! 
3.What do you love most about working at RTO 9: It’s always interesting and engaging. No two days are the same!
4.Always hungry for…
Adventure, meeting new people and discovering new places.
5.Bucket list destination:
Dog Sledding and Polar Bear Expedition in Northern Ontario, Canada – Free Spirit Spheres, Qualicum Beach, BC and Kruger Shalati, South Africa – The Train on the Bridge

I help operators develop unique Experiential Tourism Products across the RTO 9 region. I also work closely with operators who are awarded Partnership Funding to help attract visitors to the region.

Top 3 ways to work with me….

1. Apply for Partnership Funding for projects that help bring visitors to the South Eastern Ontario region.
2. Reach out for help in fine-tuning your tourism product offering.  
3.Attend one of the many webinars and workshops hosted by RTO 9.

Lindsay, Digital Marketing Specialist

1.Fun fact: I’m creating some candles inspired by popular horror films.
2.Career highlight:
I’m only 3 years into my career at RTO9.
3.What do you love most about working at RTO 9:
The positive work environment to express ideas. 
4.Always hungry for:
Chicken wings
5.Bucket list destination:
Tobermory, Nova Scotia, and Portugal

I help operators and partners by creating various types of content across our consumer/ visitor channels that will help them be seen by a larger audience to increase awareness and sales.

Top 3 ways to work with me….

1. Tell me about your business! Tag our consumer/visitor-facing brand, South Eastern Ontario in your social media post. This a friendly way of saying ‘hey’ to us and lets us know what offerings you have going on for visitors. 

Facebook @South Eastern Ontario – Mention us in your captions.
Instagram @southeast.ontario – Tag us in your post, mention us in the caption, or use our hashtag #SouthEasternOntario.
Twitter @southeast_ontarioTag us in your post, mention us in the caption, or use our hashtag #SouthEasternOntario or #SEOntario – save character space.

2. Let us know about a topic you want to learn more about. Follow us on our industry social media channels for the latest news, insights, workshops, and other resources related to tourism!

Facebook @RTO9 
Instagram @RTO9_ON 
Twitter @RTO9_ON 
LinkedIn @RTO 9

3. Connect with your Destination Marketing Organization and local tourism office. They are my direct contact. When they know about your business, I’ll know about your business too! Need help with the introduction? Let me know and I would be happy to connect you to them!