FAM Tours & Travel Media - RTO 9

FAM Tours & Travel Media

Throughout the year, RTO 9 invites media and hosts press trips in an effort to enrich media relationships, increase awareness of destinations and operators within the  South Eastern Ontario region, and produce engaging editorial coverage. 

Operators can heighten their brand by offering their product or service as an aspect of a press trip. This provides the opportunity to ‘pitch’ your business to the media with potential of garnering unpaid promotion to your target market. Please contact us to indicate your interest.

Travel Media & Journalists

We appreciate the support of our beautiful region and we have tools in place to assist you. Our team can help organize media visits, pitch story ideas, assist with fact-checking, coordinate interviews and provide a variety of communication tools for our media clients.

Planning a visit to South Eastern Ontario? Let us know, and we’ll help with access to attractions and events, coordinating interviews, planning itineraries and assisting with transportation and accommodation. Please note, that various factors influence the level of assistance we can provide, some of which include the theme or topic of your ask, the outlet in which the coverage will appear, and the amount of time we have to help coordinate your visit.

For Marketing & Media Relations:

Steve Weir
Marketing & Communications Manager
T 613.341.6638

English Media Kit
Download PDF

French Media Kit
Download PDF